Alex Fallowfield
What do you actually do at D3?
Head up our client services team. It's a broad scope involving building strong relationships with all our clients, ensuring we're delivering the best possible service and driving the best outcomes for their businesses. Team management is a core element and with this comes a focus on individual development, we want to attract and keep great people. Strategy, planning and innovation also feature heavily for our clients and within D3.
What makes you invaluable to D3?
Having been on both sides of the agency/client fence throughout my career, I bring a true understanding of the challenges faced on both sides. I have worked in the media and performance space for over 15 years, so I've picked up some broad experience along the way.
What do you do to put your clients’ needs and results first?
Transparency and responsiveness are key to building relationships. Also trying to pre-empt some of the questions goes a long way to meeting their needs.
What has been your biggest success since joining D3?
Getting the opportunity to work with the team at Up Education and plan some exciting, NZ-first activity with them.
What D3 value do you most align to?
Transparency. Having experienced client-side roles, I really value the open and honest approach. Things will always go wrong but it's how they're dealt with, and the collaboration involved to fix them.
If you had a superpower what would it be?
I would love to be able to fly. Or read minds. Both!