Charlie Thompson

Director of Pawsitivity

  • Charlie the dog
  • What do you actually do at D3?

    I run around and play with my ball. I also love taking naps in the sun and going for walks with my colleagues.

    What makes you invaluable to D3?

    I boost team morale and I make everyone's day brighter.

    What do you do to put your clients’ needs and results first?

    I always greet them at the door with a friendly smile and tail wag. Sometimes I even say hello (if they are lucky). Unless I've not met you before and, in that case, I'll bark at you.

    What has been your biggest success since joining D3?

    Making lots of new friends and passing my target of one hundred pats/day.

    What D3 value do you most align to?

    Fun and Collaboration.

    If you had a superpower what would it be?

    Being able to walk with a blanket on my back. Currently I can't. Weird I know.