D3 | The Week in Media | 16th August 2024

Written by Briar Ulberg.

In the news this week

Google and Meta have once again made headlines, this time for a secretive deal that revealed their collaboration to target teens with Instagram ads on YouTube. This action directly violates Google’s own policies, which prohibit advertising to individuals under 18. In response to these revelations, there are increasing calls for stricter regulations and oversight of online advertising practices. Both companies have yet to address these accusations or outline any steps they will take to resolve the concerns. Interestingly, the campaign’s launch coincided with a decline in Google’s ad revenue and a migration of Meta’s younger users to competing platforms like TikTok. You can read more about that here.

TV is at the heart of effectiveness. Or at least Peter Field thinks it is...

Peter Field released a whitepaper earlier this year, highlighting 'Why TV is at the heart of effectiveness'. The report looks to examine 10 years of effectiveness data from the IPA along with other major studies to conclude TV's relationship with effectiveness is still growing, despite the changing digital landscape. Key takeaways are below and you can download the full report by clicking here.

  • TV's Ongoing Power: TV remains a key driver of long-term demand growth, proving its effectiveness despite challenges from newer media.
  • Critical Role of Attention: TV excels at capturing attention, crucial for building lasting brand memories and driving growth.
  • Emotional Impact: TV ads are highly effective at creating emotional connections, making them powerful tools for brand building.
  • Trust Equals Profit: Trust in TV as an advertising medium is closely linked to higher profitability, making it a valuable platform for brands.

But - from our perspective the counter points are just as valid:

  • Fragmented audiences means that TV’s reach is diminished as audiences shift to digital platforms, particularly among younger demographics, and in most cases digital advertising offers better ROI with more precise targeting at lower costs.
  • Divided attention from second screens distract viewers, reducing the impact of TV ads.

  • The measurability of digital platforms provide more detailed metrics to optimise attention and engagement.

  • Social media and video platforms are increasingly effective at fostering emotional connections especially as today’s audiences prefer shorter, targeted content, which digital channels excel at delivering.

  • Streaming services and ad-skipping reduce trust in TV ads and trust is increasingly built through direct interaction on digital platforms, rather than traditional ads.

SEO Update | Google August 2024 core update

After weeks of speculation, Google has finally released another core algorithm update. The last core algorithm update was in May of this year, so it's been a long time between drinks. Google has specifically stated they are wanting to help out "small’ or ‘“independent" sites. Our SEO team has read between the lines and believes they are wanting to save face after destroying thousands of smaller sites with the September HCU (helpful content update) all the way back in 2023. What this means:

Impact on Rankings: This update is significant, especially for small and independent publishers who were adversely affected by previous updates. If your site has been hit before, this update might provide an opportunity for recovery if you've made improvements to your content.
Continued Emphasis on Quality Content
: Google continues to stress the importance of creating content that serves the user first, rather than content that is primarily focused on ranking. This reinforces the need to align with Google's long-term focus on user-centric content.
Volatility Expected: Given the recent ranking fluctuations, you can expect continued instability in search rankings as this update rolls out. This is a time to monitor your site's performance closely.
No Quick Fixes: If your site is negatively impacted, there are no quick or specific actions to take other than continuing to focus on producing high-quality content. Recovery might only be visible after subsequent core updates.

We don't imagine this update will impact any of D3's clients, but our SEO team will be watching the search results with care and relay any information they feel you need to know! More on the above can be found here.

Bridge talks Business
Milford this week launched the first episode of the Bridge Talks Business with Milford vodcast. Ryan Bridge dives into the latest market trends, including global economic stability, rising unemployment, and central banks’ shifting strategies on interest rates. Joined by Milford Investment Analyst Katlyn Parker, they explore the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s potential rate cuts, the delicate balance of avoiding a recession while controlling inflation, and the implications for the housing market. If you’re looking for insights into the current economic landscape and what might come next, this episode is a must-listen.