D3 Path Viper

The Brief

ZIWI, a premium pet food brand, sought to increase awareness among delegates attending the Disney Pet Expo in Los Angeles. This presented a unique challenge, as the expo was being held at the Disney resort, a location known for its limited advertising inventory and strict control over marketing activities.

The primary objective was to effectively reach and engage with expo attendees despite the constraints imposed by the venue. Given the specialized nature of the event, these delegates, consisting of pet industry professionals, retailers, and influencers, represented a highly valuable audience for ZIWI.

Additionally, the brief highlighted the need to stand out in an environment where numerous pet brands would be vying for attention. ZIWI needed a strategy to cut through the noise of the expo and leave a lasting impression on delegates, even if direct interaction at the venue was limited.

The campaign's timeframe was crucial, with a focus on the days immediately before, during, and shortly after the expo. This timing was essential to capture delegates' attention throughout their entire expo experience, from arrival to departure.

Ultimately, the challenge was to create a campaign that could build significant awareness for ZIWI among a specialized audience in a highly controlled environment, requiring creative solutions in media planning, targeting, and message delivery.

The D3 Approach

Our comprehensive geo-targeting strategy for the convention created a seamless brand experience for delegates throughout their city journey. We established 500m radius zones around key POIs, from the airport to the convention centre, and included popular nightlife areas. The campaign extended two days before and after the event to capture early arrivals and lingerers.

Our chosen media mix included large-format digital, out-of-home, rideshare, and mobile display advertising. This multi-channel approach created numerous touchpoints with our audience, ensuring consistent exposure from arrival to departure.

By focusing on specific POIs and utilizing diverse media channels, we maximized the efficiency of our ad spend while maintaining high relevance to our target audience. The strategy's flexibility allowed for real-time adjustments based on event schedules or unexpected changes, enhancing its effectiveness and delivering a highly targeted, impactful campaign.

The Results

The campaign for ZIWI at the Disney Pet Expo in Los Angeles yielded significant results, demonstrating the effectiveness of our innovative geo-targeting approach despite the challenging advertising environment.

Our efforts resulted in over 623,000 impressions delivered to expo attendees. This high number of impressions indicates that our multi-faceted strategy successfully overcame the limitations of the Disney resort's restricted advertising inventory. It suggests that we achieved substantial reach and frequency among our target audience of pet industry professionals, retailers, and influencers.

The campaign's impact extended beyond mere numbers. We received over two dozen leads from expo attendees who reported seeing the ZIWI ads, including one that has led to a substantial sale. This verbal confirmation is particularly valuable in a context where precise tracking and data collection were limited due to the venue's policies. It indicates that our ads were not just delivered but also noticed and remembered by our target audience.

The combination of high impression numbers and positive anecdotal feedback suggests that the campaign achieved its primary goal of building awareness for ZIWI among expo delegates. It indicates that our messaging successfully cut through the clutter of a busy event environment, making a lasting impression on attendees.



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